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This website was created in order to chronicle the journey of the Northstar Association and specifically the Wausau Scorpions.  The Northstar Association was created with PureSim 2007, a baseball text simulation created by Shaun Sullivan, and available for digital download as well as physical shipment at  

 The Northstar Association is in its inaugural season with three divisions each with four teams.  The three divisions are divided by state: Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa.  Future expansion is likely into the Dakotas, as well as Nebraska, Illinois, Missouri, and the Canadian provinces.

Please take a look around the website to enjoy every bit of the Northstar Association as it grows from its roots in 1977 to the future.

Introducing the Northstar Association Blog!

For more up-to-the-minute information on the latest happenings in the league as well as updates on the Wausau Scorpions, please visit the Northstar Association blog.  Feel free to post comments as well.


Saturday, May 27

- created Player of the Week feature in Scorpsion page

- updated standings, Scorpions blog


Wednesday, May 24

- created Breaking News blog

- updated standings, stats, and Scorpions page